“When my employer fired me because of my disability, the lawyers at FBF&G recovered backpay for me and made my employer change its practices so that it no longer discriminated against disabled

Sharon A
“When an energy company charged prices that were too high, the lawyers at FBF&G took the company to court; FBF&G made the company compensate me and other consumers and change its unlawful

Angela W.
Here, again, plaintiff was ably represented by class counsel who has a proven track record of successfully advancing the interests of class members in consumer class actions, and of course they have

Honorable Judge Kenneth Karas

When my employer didn’t pay fair wages, the lawyers at FBF&G stood up for me and my fellow workers, and got us the money we were

Greg N.

The lawyers at FBF&G are “highly competent, skilled and experienced

Honorable George W. Maxwell III, Judge Florida Circuit Court

The lawyers of FBFG are “a great example to the bar of what zealous advocacy really means” and they “put class members’ interest ahead of their

Magistrate Judge Timony A. Rice, Eastern District of Pennsylvania

“The lawyers at FBF&G are “highly capable and experienced counsel” who “conducted themselves with skill, perseverance, and diligent

Honorable William H. Pauley III, Judge Southern District of New York

[T]here’s no doubt in my mind that class counsel have invested significant time and resources into this litigation and have superbly advocated on behalf of their

Honorable Vincent Briccetti, Judge Southern District of New York

Welcome to FBFG

The lawyers at FBF&G are deeply committed to helping regular people who have been wronged by powerful businesses. We are proud to represent consumers, employees, and others who have been harmed by corporate greed and unlawful practices. As evidenced by our track record of success, our team of attorneys has the talent and work ethic to win the toughest cases.

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Areas of Practice 

FBF&G represents clients in class actions and complex litigation in a variety of areas including, but not limited to:


Although we live in an increasingly public and inter-connected world, we are still entitled to keep our personal information private.

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Too many companies try to pad their profits by using unethical practices, such as relying on deceptive language or fine print to mislead.

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Nursing Home

FBFG has brought numerous cases against nursing homes to hold them accountable for their maltreatment through nursing home abuse class action lawsuits.

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Every worker in America deserves to be fully and fairly paid for their work. Unfortunately, too many companies mistreat their employees.

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Securities &
Investor Fraud

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous companies and individuals take advantage of the complexity of our modern system to defraud investors.

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FBF&G is well-suited to represent individuals who know about fraud and have the courage to speak up about it – “whistleblowers.”

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Do you own a CVB lucid platform bed? If so, your bed may be hazardous and lead to injury. If you own one ofRead more "FBFG IS INVESTIGATING THE LUCID PLATFORM BEDS MANUFACTURED BY CVB"

What is a Class Action?

A class action is a type of lawsuit in which the claims and rights of a group of people are decided in a single case. Class actions are often the only practical way to stop illegal practices and recover gains because they allow regular people to join together in one case against a powerful wrongdoer. Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas explained that “The class action is one of the few legal remedies the small claimant has against those who command the status quo.”

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