Lab Finds Arctic Zero Has Many More Calories Than Advertised

Americans have a sweet tooth, and nothing is better at the end of a meal than a bowl of tasty ice cream.  Unfortunately, many consumers also have to be concerned about their calorie intake, and there are few foods that have more fat and calories than ice cream.  This conundrum creates an opportunity for marketers like Arctic Zero to sell “low calorie” ice creams.  Many low calorie ice creams are much less tasty than real ice cream, but many consumers report that Arctic Zero, which claims that its ice creams have only 150 calories per pint, tastes much better than other diet desserts.  Based on the results of an independent lab, the reason Arctic Zero is so good may not be that the company has found the long-sought after secret to making god diet desserts.  Instead, it appears that Arctic Zero actually has up to 68% more calories than claimed.

For example, EMSL, the independent lab, found that Arctic Zero Vanilla Maple had 46% more calories than advertised, and Chocolate Peanut Butter had 68% more calories.  Consumers that are trying to lose weight, or at least not gain more, need to be able to count on manufacturers’ statements with regard to calorie counts.  If the labs results are accurate, it would seem that Arctic Zero is engaging in a deceptive and unfair practice at the expense of consumers.

If you or someone you know purchased Arctic Zero ice cream, please contact us to discuss your legal options.