Your Employer Can’t Control Your Vote

As you undoubtedly know, there is an important election on Tuesday, November 6.  You have the right to vote for the candidate of your choice.  Federal law prohibits employers from intimidating you into voting for a certain candidate or from directly controlling your vote. Until 2010, corporations were forbidden from using corporate money to contact their employees about elections.

However, the Supreme Court’s recent Citizen’s United opinion has changed the rules; companies can now lawfully write their employees and provide information about the election.  As the New York Times documented, some companies have taken advantage of Citizen’s United to contact their employees about the upcoming election.

If this contact is limited to providing information, it is legal. However, if your employer intimidates you or states that you must vote a certain way in order to keep your job, your employer may be violating the law and you should consider contacting us to discuss your legal options.