Be Careful To Use Your Airline Tickets Before They Expire

Every time we fly, it seems like the airlines are trying to reach into our pockets to pad their profits.  After years of suffering from increasing flight prices, baggage fees (the airlines collected over $6 billion in baggage fees last year!), headset fees and the like, most fliers have learned to be careful.  But one area where many fliers aren’t careful enough is with unused tickets.

If you miss your flight, you will likely get charged with a change fee, and then you will be issued a replacement ticket.  These tickets usually come with strict deadlines for when they can be re-used.  When fliers miss those deadlines, as many do, the  airlines simply pocket the profits.  Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader estimates that this profit is in the billions of dollars.  So, the next time you get a replacement ticket, be sure to be aware of the deadline. otherwise, your hard-earned money will be going to help out the airline industry.