Did Somone Try To Collect A “Debt” You Don’t Owe?

Debt collection is an unpleasant reality and companies are allowed to try to collect money [...]

Worthless Credit Card Protection Plans

Previously, we warned consumers that their credit card companies may have sold them worthless credit [...]

Michaels’ Use Of Misleading Sales May Be Deceptive

It seems like there is always a sale at the craft store Michaels, and if [...]

Best Buy Data Breach

Best Buy recently admitted that hackers have obtained information from the “secure” accounts of people [...]

Ocean Spray’s “No Sugar Added” Claim May Be Deceptive

Nothing beats a glass of freshly-squeezed juice in the morning.  Unfortunately, squeezing fresh juice everyday [...]

Has E-Z Pass Cited You For Bogus Toll Violations?

One of the modern innovations that makes auto travel in and around major cities in [...]

Is Sephora Stealing Its Employees’ Time?

There is little doubt that every major retailer has to deal with “shrinkage,” or shoplifting.  [...]

Banks Should Not Make Customers Pay To Fix Bank Errors

There have been far too many instances lately where powerful banks abused their customers’ trust. [...]

Court Denies CFL Pizza’s Motion To Dismiss Claims By Drivers

In 2011, our attorneys filed a law suit against CFL Pizza, a Florida Pizza Hut franchisee, [...]

GameStop May Be Forcing Its Employees To Work For Free

GameStop is one of the largest retailers in the United States, with thousands of stores [...]